Contest!! The first three people that come up with the most creative subtitle for the upcoming sequel to "LITTLE ORPHAN ANVIL" will win a free copy of the the first book! That simple! :) BUT WAIT!! - those winners will also be in the draw for a free KINDLE FIRE as the Grand Prize over at the Holiday Hop hosted by Cheryl Bradshaw!! http://holidaybloghop.blogspot.com/ So do a "Little" research over at the Little Orphan Anvil's facebook fan page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Orphan-Anvil/213455242000232 and see what you can come up with for a subtitle!!
How the Holiday Hop works >> The hop runs from December 15th to December 25th. Winners will be chosen after the contest has ended and the results will be posted on their websites/blogs between December 26th-December 31st.
New to blog hopping? No problem.
To begin, go to the HOLIDAY BLOG HOP page http://holidaybloghop.blogspot.com/p/holiday-blog-hop.html Start with the first author and work your way through everyone. Click on the name of the author to be directed to their site. Once there, check out their contest and enter to win. Yes...it's that easy!!!
Each author will post the details of their contest on their site. There are some amazing prizes being given away from these authors including: holiday mystery bag, signed books, gift cards!!!
Have fun! ~ Joseph
Go ahead and enter into as many of these as you can. While you are searching come on over to my blog at Free Book Reviews
Come on over to my Blog and send me a link to your book so that I can include it in my Free Book Reviews Forum.
Little Orphan Anvil: Rewired (it's the best I've got atm because I didn't know if it was part of a trilogy or a series or what.) Sounds like and interesting read :)
Little Orphan Anvil: Refire & Reforge.
Happy Hopping, Joseph!!
Daddy Warhammer!
Cool suggestions so far! :) The book will be, most likely, a series, but for now...just a follow-up type sequel :)
Make sure you enter with all the blogs! For some Scavenger hunt fun, follow me to my Holiday Hop! http://wp.me/P1tm4H-bc
Come on! Let’s have some hoppin’ good fun!
Little Orphan Anvil: A robot and his boy
OMG, someone beat me to Daddy Warhammer!
Darn it.
When you're done here, stop by my blog at http://stephanieabbott.blogspot.com for more chances to win great prizes!
Little Orphan Anvil: RePlug
Happy Holidays!
cayce006 at yahoo dot com
Little Orphan Anvil: Tomorrow
There'll Be Guns :)
Little Orphan Anvil: Bewitched No More
-Dawn aka dawnmomoffour aka thedoyle6
Little Orphan Anvil the Wanderer
teressaoliver at gmail dot com
How about Little Orphan Anvil: Tomorrows Magic? Thank you for the great giveaway! Happy holidays!
The Master and the Little Anvil That Could
For some reason I have Dr. Who on the brain :) lol
Okay, so the winners of this contest for a copy of LOA are: Dawn Monmoffour, Jessica Mchugh, and Teressa Oliver!! COngrats!! I will get your email info and send out the LOA book to you! Thanks!! And all great and fun suggestions from everyone!
Thank you so much, Joseph!!
Woohoo! TY TY
Have you sent out the emails? If so, I'll have to get you to send again as I didn't get it :(
-Dawn aka dawnmomoffour
Okay, so I sent the winners the ebook of Little Orphan Anvil! Congrats guys and hope you enjoy the new series in the new year!! ~ Joseph :)
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