Friday, September 23, 2011

Author Eveli Acosta!

Books by Eveli Acosta: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/EveliAcosta

Author Elita Daniels "Tree of Life"!

Author Elita Daniels "Tree of Life" Book Link:  http://elitadaniels.com/treeoflife

Samantha C Ross and 'the Emmerson Witches'!

A magical journey alongside three supernatural sisters...

Author Samantha C. Ross

~ A Tail Spun ~ Book Trailer!

Middle Earth Cooking! Author Vanessa Kittle

The Lord of the Rings Cookbook lovingly and meticulously traces the culinary adventures of Frodo and his companions as they travel to Mount Doom to destroy the Ring.  Author Vanessa Kittle

"THE END" - Author Jerry Robb!

Apocalyptic thriller/love story
Record tornados and tornado deaths, record floods, record fires, record heat, record hailstorms, wars all over the Middle East, food prices sky rocketing, record tsunamis, record earthquakes.

Some people have their heads in the proverbial sand
This book could save your life!
